Embracing New Tastes

Embracing New Tastes

This is my story. It may resemble yours when you first arrived in your new country. It’s the story of a process, my process of integration into life in Switzerland. Yes, Switzerland, a European country without an exotic culture yet requiring specific and complex assimilation strategies, particularly for a South American woman like me: always late, spontaneous, happy, explosive, impatient, less organized but rather flexible, funny, jovial, driven, and self-confident. My cataclysmic mistake? Misinterpreting the word “integration.” The consequence? Losing my identity.

CHF 25.00

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14 reviews for Embracing New Tastes

  1. Mukul Kumar

    La Reina de Quito abraza Lucerna

    The journey of a middle child (just as I am), a traveler into foreign lands, a warrior princess tested by the traditional Helvetic farming mindset who conquers the most austere and stoic opponent with her grace, charm, and warmth and the steadfast support of her gallant Arthur of the Excalibur. She shows us a path forward in cultural integration — not simply of compromise, but of charting original paths. Of constantly making space for new influences, without losing the essence of oneself. And creating more than one home for herself, with a force of spirit that lets her make many places her own, just as one of her Northern neighbour’s, Carlos Fuentes, did a couple decades earlier. The journey is riveting with stories of estate sales, the tribulations of acquiring a driving license, the unique challenges of learning Swiss German (with the unwitting support of Dona Roswita), and the tender Cinderella/Samson tale of meeting Prince Charming. Highly recommended for all who want to explore beyond their current boundaries.

  2. Neda

    How u describe ur feelings…Love ur book and i am happy i got to read it it will teach me alot i guess at the end hoq yo deal with those situations and find more peace with myself😍❤️
    I am halfway through the book, I feel like I am there at your farewell at your shopping furniture from the dead woman and all those little sadness I feel so manytimes similar realities happened for me as well…I actually cried when I read the Part u found the jar which reminded u of your aunt😍

  3. Yvonne

    Ich hatte dein Buch “Embracing New Tastes” gelesen und dabei manche Träne verdrückt. Du hast eine wunderbare Art zu schreiben, deine Emotionen auszudrücken und deine kulturellen Beobachtungen in Worte auszudrücken. Heisst das Folgebuch “Von hier aus”? Finde ich in diesem die Fortsetzung deiner Geschichte?
    Als ich von der COVID-Erkrankung deiner Eltern hörte, war ich sehr geschockt. Du hast mich mit deinem Buch in deine Welt genommen und nach dem Lesen deines Buches hatte ich das Gefühl, auch deine Eltern zu kennen.

  4. Luca

    Dear María Fernanda,
    I am the “latest entry” in the Amphasys team who has just arrived in Luzern from Italy, together with my little family. Thank you very much for sending your book “Embracing new tastes” that Marco gave me in September! We have really appreciated the thought and we are reading it right now, since in this phase it will be for sure a source of useful hints and inspiration to us.
    My wife Federica and I, with our little daughters Vera and Ada, hope to have the opportunity to meet you in person in future, when the circumstances will allow that.
    Have a nice weekend and stay safe,

  5. Lilli

    J’ai lu les 3/4 de ton livre avec plus que de l’intérêt, tu es devant moi physiquement à chaque page, tellement tu es vivante à travers ton écriture.
    Je partage tes
    sentiments de désespoir comme de joie !
    Je me rends compte combien cette « adaptation » a été dure et difficile pour toi.
    Tu y es parvenue et maintenant tu es totalement «  intégrée », une vraie suissesse avec le charme et la beauté « latino », et dans ton cœur tes racines profondes sont tjrs là », sans oublier ta beauté physique, Reine de Quito !

  6. Minerva

    Maria Fernanda…I will start by thanking you for the publication of your book that I loved so much!!! Although my time is busy, I read it in my spare time and I got stuck! I identified so much with your words. I found you book honest, funny and so well intertwined that I enjoyed it very much. Your story was very good and helped me to understand that I am not alone, that others leaving their countries have suffered and have had to adapt to the changes as happened to me. Thank you for putting this magnificent life experience in this book and I hope you continue publishing other books. Once again, thanks for making me part of your story ??Minerva

  7. Sarah

    Liebe Maife – es war schön, dich kürzlich im Café anzutreffen! Ich habe dein neues Buch umgehend gekauft und gelesen und war begeistert… grosses Kompliment! Sogleich dachte ich mir: wann gehts weiter?! Ich hoffe, du bist schon an der Fortsetzung…. Herzlich, Sarah

  8. Pamela Signorella

    Hola Maife! What an insightful and enjoyable book about cultural differences, human relations and personal challenges. The book is engaging, original and well written. Maria Fernanda opens a window into her journey and we follow along as she relates her experiences as well as her impressions. I’m glad the english edition is now available!

  9. Marian

    Dear Mar’ia Fernanda,
    My husband’s colleague Edson (from Quito) who visited you in Lucerne in January gave my husband George a signed copy of your book “Embracing New Tastes”. My husband is more of a gadget man and he does not read (paper) books. I love reading and I would like to thank you for your inspiring book!
    I am an immigrant in Switzerland myself (from Belgium) and we arrived here 8 years ago. Although you might think the Belgian culture is a lot closer to the Swiss, I recognised a lot of situations you went through and I found it heart-warming to read how you dealt with “being different” and to realise many foreigners go through the same integration process and cultural shocks. I feel quite settled now but my husband (of Lebanese/British origin) is still struggling. I hope to pass him on some of your tips :-). All the best for the future and muchas gracias, Marian

  10. Marija

    Mariaaaaa ? hi… how are you? Thanks for the lovely book. I read your book not once, but twice…and I did cry… I did cry cause it reminded me on all the misunderstanding and uncomfort I experienced (you were there in 2014 remember? :-)) I feel like you have described chapters of my life without knowing they exist. Stories of many women.I was so much ashamed about some uncomfortable situations for all adaptations in Switzerland and now back in Macedonia, and I realized speaking about our own journeys with all ups and downs, is hardest yet most divine thing to do…and thank you for opening your heart to me, to all of us with this book. Thank you for telling your story…it kind of feels less lonely, as you feel you are not the only one going the same walk. At the end and as we know, all end are beautiful..we are only left to laugh…of our struggles… we survived ? . I hope you don’t mind if I recommend this book to some Facebook groups of expat women where I am member. Thank you once again . I am currently working in Macedonia but I come to CH once per month, and I hope we can sometimes meet when I stay longer. I always enjoyed your company… and your advises.. I wish you a great day and lots of success as a writer ? Many many greetings from sunny Macedonia. LG Marija

  11. Edison

    Querida María Fernanda:
    Tu libro es un testimonio de vida y no sólo un proceso de integración !! Además es una sublime historia de amor que realmente tocó mi corazón..
    Es una historia personal que narra la valentía de una joven que deja todo atrás para emigrar a un país desconocido a fundar una nueva familia. Gracias por compartir con nosotros tus lectores tan bonita historia.. La historia de tu vida.
    Felicitaciones !!!

  12. yvettka__

    An diesem schönen Platz oberhalb von Luzern dein neues Buch zu lesen ist grossartig. Gratuliere!

  13. Maria Pia

    Haven’t read it yet but I know it should be a great story

  14. Alexandra

    El apoyo mutuo es fundamental en las parejas mixtas. Es un trabajo de equipo que exige observación, amor, empatía y paciencia. En eso Thomas y tú han hecho un gran trabajo! Me encanta que compartas tu experiencia y tus consejos. Son muy útiles.

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